Transporting mail by rail from the People’s Republic of China to Western Europe is seen as a tremendous business opportunity for the member railways of the CIT, but also for the general development of global online trade (e-commerce).
The Deutsche Bahn Group is striving to be a technology leader in the mobility industry trough a combination of digitalisation, technical knowledge and rail-specific expertise.
The RailCrowd platform sets out to facilitate compliance with the ECM and similar regulations while pooling anonymised fleet data across operators to form virtual fleets. The result is greater data insight.
DB Engineering & Consulting is one of the world’s leading companies in infrastructure, mobility, and transport solutions today. Constant growth in recent years is reflected by the need for specialists to work on projects around the world.
The DB reference book “Railway system knowledge – How the German rail system works” is a practical guide for professionals beginning a career in the railway sector and for employees involved in international projects. This excerpt describes rail subsystems and how they are connected.
DB Language Management, with its translators and interpreters, is a service unit at Deutsche Bahn that many colleagues in the Group possibly only discover when working directly in an international environment. The department plays a central role thanks to its work shaping and maintaining a corporate language for DB.
Das vierte Eisenbahnpaket ist die wichtigste Gesetzesinitiative in der Geschichte der europäischen Eisenbahn. Die Europäische Eisenbahnagentur kann damit als erste Behörde europaweit gültige Fahrzeuggenehmigungen und Sicherheitsbescheinigungen ausstellen.
Mit dem Einsatz von Wasserstofftechnologie sind Fahrgäste abgasfrei, klimaneutral und zuverlässig mit der Bahn unterwegs. Der Schienenverkehr kann damit seinen Umweltvorteil im Wettbewerb der Verkehrsträger weiter ausbauen.
Die Innovationsschübe in der Fahrzeugtechnik der vergangenen Jahre führen dazu, dass sich Prozesse und Herangehensweisen im schienengebundenen Nahverkehr grundlegend verändern werden.
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